Top 11 Indications the Economy May Be Improving

  1. Fewer engagement rings for sale on eBay
  2. Suddenly there’s a line at the valet parking station
  3. There’s a live person fielding calls again at your ad agency
  4. You’ve stopped taking business advice from Breaking Bad
  5. Beards are no longer just for the fashionably unemployed
  6. Fewer Google searches for “kidney market value”
  7. Your ad agency’s invoices stop arriving the day after you sign their estimate
  8. The Second Life economy is improving
  9. People stop telling the waiter “Water is fine”
  10. Salespeople are showing up at your office with bagels again



Let’s not kid ourselves – times are still tough. And while the primo parking spots are definitely filling up faster in the morning, few of us are ready to declare the economy fully recovered. That means marketing money remains tight, as purchasers are challenged to do more with less yet again.

Enter Plan B.

From the day we first opened our doors, we’ve been focused on efficiency. It’s a value that’s hard-wired into our agency DNA. We didn’t simply decide to become price sensitive after realizing the economy tanked. All along, our clients have been getting the most for their money because they haven’t been paying for the redundancy of middle management, bureaucratic red tape, and rent on a skyscraper lease.

Nope – all our clients pay for is top-tier talent, abottom-line focus, and our uncompromising commitment to value. All qualities we’ve found work really well in ANY economy.

So even as the rock star parking is slowly disappearing, rest assured there’s one place you’ll always be able to get rock star treatment. It’s good to have a Plan B.

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